Monday, July 19, 2010

07_19_2010 JCUI Macro placement flow

1. dump out the macro list with cell type and cell size

2. let icc to do the initial placement. talk with FE guy to agree on the macro placment

3. create a table for the macro placement, entries:

inst_name, cell_name, width, height, orientation ( N, FN, S, FS ), origin_x(def), origin_y (def)

4. Convert the above into def format for the placement, the macro will have the FIXED attribute.

5. load into icc, if not happy, go back to step 3.

*6 need to create a side script to convert the placement def file into my own table format.

Side note: there is NO placement grid requirement for macros, but I think I will create some kind of grid to make my life easier.

Side output: gap check. The gap is reserved to make sure enough space for switch cell placement.

GAP: the switch cell grid is 18 um vertically, the height of the macro switch cell is 3.6, so the minimum gap for macro is 18 + 3.6 = 21.6 um which is 12 row high.

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